How do rugby players train?

Posted By Kieran Lockhart On 28 Mar 2023

Rugby players train hard to compete at the highest level. They need to be strong, fast and agile, while also having excellent skills and technique. Training sessions often involve a combination of cardio, strength and agility exercises, as well as drills to improve skill and technique. Rugby players also need to work on their game awareness and decision making, which can be done through watching game footage and participating in simulated scenarios. Recovery is also important in between training sessions, to ensure the players are able to give their best performance on the pitch. (Read More)

How do rugby players train?

Posted By Kieran Lockhart On 20 Feb 2023

Rugby players train in a variety of ways to prepare for the physical demands of the sport. Strength and conditioning exercises are an important part of a rugby player's training regime, focusing on building muscle and improving agility. Players also participate in drills specific to rugby, such as tackling, rucking and scrummaging. Endurance training is also important in order to prepare players for the physical demands of a match. Finally, players must practice set plays, such as lineouts and mauls, in order to develop their tactical skills. (Read More)